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Monday, January 15, 2007
The last time I got a tag was during the recently concluded tech fest of my college, when the organisers handed me a tag with the word "Admin" printed on it. WA, the queen of the blogosphere is the epicentre of this five-things-that-people-dont-know-about-you tag. The princesses (read girls) of the blogosphere experienced the shocks before this tag reached me via F2F. Here goes:

  • I can add, subtract, multiply and divide two three digit numbers with ease and give the result within milliseconds, without the aid of computing devices. Sounds like I'm bragging but my friends would vouch for this.

  • Having lived in Chennai for six years, I have complete knowledge of bus route numbers, bus registration numbers, depot numbers (eg. ADH 620), colour of buses, which route a bus previously ran on etc.
  • All my friends dont hesitate to lend me their bikes if I ask them but when they ask me, I ask them a number of questions like where to, how long, where else will you be going,etc. Fortunately this has not stopped my friends from lending their bikes to me and vice versa.

  • When approaching an intersection, if the signal is green and I am hundred metres away from it, I keep muttering to myself "I can make it". This infuses some power into me forcing me to rev up to 60kmph. On most occasions I have beaten the signal before it could turn red.

  • I need no telephone indexes or diaries or contact lists. I can easily remember 10-digit cellphone numbers.

I'm extending this to Chikuado, Sarvesh, Ejaz Ahmed, Rohit and Revs.
Property of Sheks @ 3:20 pm  
  • At 1:11 am, Blogger TiTo said…

    I vouch on those mathematical skills of his and on his memory power too.

    I am sure his driving skills would be no less!

    kurukshetra was fantastic! keep it Rolling dude!

  • At 10:25 pm, Blogger Shruti said…

    memory power.. thats what it boils down to. envy you that though :)

  • At 9:59 pm, Blogger Aconfusedsoul said…

    whoaa... great!! :) i am not that good in maths :(

  • At 10:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I never knew you knew abt my driving skills.

  • At 10:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You envy me!!That's surprising.Havent heard such statements from girls.

    I meant basic mathematics and not advanced crap like what they teach in college.

  • At 12:49 pm, Blogger Mythreyee said…

    hehe.. Having lived in Chennai for FIFTEEN years, i still dunno where most of the AREAS are in chennai, leave alone the bus routes :D :D :D

  • At 11:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    myth,That's simple.Mark a circle or square or any geometrical figure around you and measure its area.That will do.

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