Tuesday, May 23, 2006 |
BULLS HIT These two words struck me the first thing in the morning when I picked up my copy of The Economic Slimes from my doorstep.It is normally believed that to ensure a joyous,buoyant day ahead,begin the day on a happy note.As it was the opposite case here,it goes without saying that my day turned out to be rather bad.
Topping the agenda for today was a trip to Hyundai car plant at Irungattukottai,to apply for a 2 week internship.After waiting in the visitors' room for about half an hour,a lady from the HR department spoke to me over the phone.She said that to undergo internship I must have some referrals,which I did not have,unfortunately.I was sent back and when I reached home in the afternoon after a tiresome 3 hour journey by three buses,I realised that all this was an exercise in futility. ---------------------------------------
After reading mafiadon's notification about the arrival of this book,I set off to Odyssey to buy it.Another attempt at story telling by an IIT student,after Five Point Someone(which has become a best seller).The difference between this and FPS is that while the latter was written by a graduate,the former's by a final year student.It costs just 100 bucks,so check it out. |
Property of Sheks @ 6:54 pm   |
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Name: Sheks
Home: Madras, TamilNadu, India
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