In case you can't figure out what the title means,just reverse the first word.My PC recently came under virus threat.But it wasnt the software which got attacked but the monitor.A team of termites began chewing away at my monitor.I tried driving them away with a torch but to no avail.It only produced ugly red marks and a few cracks on the glass.
Next I tried fire service.Succeeded in drving away the pests but the desktop got tarred in the process.Finally water-treatment.Used a colourful cleaning paste.Operation Success.
P.S:-I've got some Lollu Sabha spoofs.Everything from 7G Orambo colony to Budhan's Thirai Paarvai is available.If you want them contact me at the email id in my profile.You can also drop in a line,but to protect my privacy I'm not disclosing my number.Get it from curses.