Monday, October 16, 2006 |
A new tag.This time it's from the karaoke gal. The objective of this tag is to bring out the 6 weirdest things about myself.
1)I hate the taste of mango fruits but I relish drinks like Frooti.
2)Whenever I borrow a friend's bike and if the fuel indicator points to the red zone(which in technical terms is called "reserve")I go for a refill immediately.But I dont do that in my bike.I wait till the fuel tank almost completely runs out of fuel.
3)Whenever a vehicle overtakes me the first thing my eyes catch is the number plate.This is true even if the person driving the vehicle is a PYG(pretty young girl.PYT's a general acronym)
4)The first thing that I do after boarding a bus is get a ticket.Finding a place to sit comes next.On most occasions,it so happens that I hurriedly buy a ticket,find a seat in the front only to find the conductor walking to the front to issue tickets.
5)Walking into the college canteen with the plan of eating a sumptuous full-meal.But then looking at the length of queue at the counter,I change my mind and buy a plate of chappati instead.
6)If there's anything else weird in me,that I can think of,it's my hairstyle.No matter how much care I accord to it using the best available coconut oil,some ayurvedic oils,oils that bring down the heat from the head etc.the rate of fall is always higher than the rate of growth.
I'm not tagging anybody specific.This is to avoid the wrath of those whose names I dont mention here.Therefore it's open to anyone who has the guts to take it at his/her own risk. |
Property of Sheks @ 8:29 pm |
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Home: Madras, TamilNadu, India
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