Friday, June 10, 2005 |
"Mudivilla thodarkathai...",runs the verse in the Vijay TV daily soap,"Idhu oru kathal kathai".This soap ought to be credited since it has been frank in accepting that it is a mega-serial as the verse says.
Gone are the days when doordarshan used to be the most preferred channel.Now there are so many to choose from.PROBLEM OF PLENTY.Gone r the days of quizzes and dramas.It's now serial,serial,...in every channel you tune into(barring a few).
These serials are in great demand by many housewives who renounce their afternoon sleep specially to watch them.These serials all have the same theme.They are designed to adopt to the channel in which they are aired.All these serials run for several episodes through several years.The theme is simple---life of a woman after marriage.If the theme is simple Y should it go on for several years?
First the girl's life before marriage is shown.That runs for 20 episodes.Then her would-be's life is shown.Another 20.Next is the girl's parents who are always portrayed as poor people who work hard to make both ends meet.This takes 10 episodes.The guy's parents,then.As usual the guy's mother is portrayed as a Surpanakha-like character.The guy's father always turns out to be a humble-pie eating fellow.Another 10 episodes.
The guy and the girl meet each other.The next 15 episodes show the guy trying to infatuate the girl.Somehow they fall in love and their love dominates another 15 episodes.
Next in line is marriage.The guy's mother is against it as she doesnt want a poor daughter-in-law.But the guy tries to convince her.20 episodes.
Pre-marriage arrangements occupy 5 episodes and the marriage,another 5.After that it'll be 50 episodes portraying the killer-character of the mother-in-law.She tries in vain to do away with her D-I-L.She somehow does it after 20 episodes.
The girl now is separated from her husband.This is when she becomes pregnant.20 episodes later a child is born and the next 100 episodes portray the life-cycle of the boy.After that the boy falls in love with a rich girl.Rich girl's parents oppose marriage....The cycle goes on. Y so many episodes??In every episode,the title song consumes 5 minutes.The recap,5 and the two breaks,5 each.The actual serial runs for just 10 minutes.
I could not stop my laugh-riot after reading one of vinod's blogs about daily soaps.Here's a condensed version of his sample mega-serial: A little boy wakes up at midnight to go to the toilet.Afraid of the dark,he wakes up his mum.While she is accompanying him,the M-I-L suddenly enters and accuses her D-I-L of snooping around.The D-I-L tries to explain but in vain.A huge gang consisting of relatives gathers. After a heated argument between the two,the head of the family enters and stops the argument.The M-I-L realises her mistake and it's "Bahu","Maaji","Bahu","Maaji"....after that with the two of them hugging and kissing each other.Where did the little boy disappear??Nowhere.He silently witnesses everything and pisses in his pants. |
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